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« zurückSeite 1 für den Anfangsbuchstaben W im Slowakisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Waalwijk {m}Waalwijk {n}
wagnerovci {pl}Gruppe {f} Wagner
Wakefield {m}Wakefield {n}
Wales {m}Wales {n}
Walesan {m}Waliser {m}
Walesanka {f}Waliserin {f}
waleština {f}Walisisch {n}
walkman {m}Walkman® {m}
Wallasey {n}Wallasey {n}
Walsall {m}Walsall {n}
Warrington {m}Warrington {n}
wasabi {n} [korenie, pasta]Wasabi {n} [Gewürz, Paste]
Washington {m}Washington {n}
Waterloo {n}Waterloo {n}
Watford {m}Watford {n}
watt {m} <W>Watt {n} <W>
wavellit {m}Wavellit {m}
WC {n}WC {n}
web {m}Web {n} [World Wide Web]
web {m} [webová stránka]Webseite {f}
webhosting {m}Webhosting {n}
webka {f} [ľud.] [internetová stránka]Webseite {f}
webka {f} [ľud.] [internetová stránka]Website {f}
webka {f} [ľud.] [webkamera]Webcam {f}
webkamera {f}Webcam {f}
webová adresa {f}Webadresse {f}
webová kamera {f}Web-Kamera {f} [auch: Webkamera]
webová stránka {f}Internetseite {f}
webová stránka {f}Webseite {f}
webová stránka {f}Website {f}
webovka {f} [ľud.] [internetová stránka]Webseite {f}
webovka {f} [ľud.] [internetová stránka]Website {f}
webový prehliadač {m}Webbrowser {m}
webstránka {f}Webseite {f}
webstránka {f}Website {f}
Weddellovo more {n}Weddellmeer {n}
Weimar {m}Weimar {n}
Weimarská republika {f}Weimarer Republik {f}
weimarský stavač {m}Weimaraner {m}
Wellingborough {m} {n}Wellingborough {n}
Wellington {m}Wellington {n}
wellness {f}Wellness {f}
Wels {m}Wels {n} [Stadt in Österreich]
Wernickeho centrum {n}Wernicke-Zentrum {n}
Wernickeho oblasť {f}Wernicke-Areal {n}
Wernickeho oblasť {f}Wernicke-Region {f}
West Bromwich {m}West Bromwich {n}
western {m}Western {m}
Weymouth {m}Weymouth {n}
whippet {m} [psie plemeno]Whippet {m} [Hunderasse]
whisky {f}Whisky {m}
Wi-Fi ® {n}Wi-Fi ® {n}
Wichita {f}Wichita {n}
Widnes {m} {n}Widnes {n}
Wiesbaden {m}Wiesbaden {n}
wifina {f} [ľud.] [Wi-Fi ®]Wi-Fi ® {n}
Wigan {m}Wigan {n}
Wikipédia {f}Wikipedia {f}
Wilkesova zem {f}Wilkesland {n}
Windhoek {m}Windhuk {n}
Windsor {m}Windsor {n}
windsurfista {m}Windsurfer {m}
windsurfistka {f}Windsurferin {f}
Winnipeg {m}Winnipeg {n}
Winnipegské jazero {n}Winnipegsee {m}
Wisconsin {m} [spolkový štát v USA]Wisconsin {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
Wolfsberg {m} [mesto v Rakúsku]Wolfsberg {n} [Stadt in Österreich]
Wolfsburg {m}Wolfsburg {n}
Wollongong {m}Wollongong {n}
Wolverhampton {m}Wolverhampton {n}
Worcester {m}Worcester {n}
worcesterská omáčka {f}Worcestersoße {f}
Worthing {m}Worthing {n}
Wrexham {m}Wrexham {n}
wulfenit {m}Wulfenit {m}
Wuppertal {m}Wuppertal {n}
Würzburg {m}Würzburg {n}
Wyoming {m} [spolkový štát v USA]Wyoming {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
« zurückSeite 1 für den Anfangsbuchstaben W im Slowakisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuchweiter »

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