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Diccionario Inglés-Español

Spanish-English translation for: un'assenza
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English-Spanish Dictionary: un'assenza

un {adj}
a [before a masculine noun]
un [antes de una vocal]
an [before a vowel]
un chin {adv} [carib.]
un poco {adv}
a little
somewhat [slightly]
un poquitito {adv}
very slightly
un poquito {adv}
un cachito {m} [Argentina] [Buenos Aires] [col.]
un montón {noun}
a lot
¡arráyate un millo! [vete a la mierda] [esp.] [Canarias]
go to the devil! [Am.] [vulg.] [sl.]
¡Eres un naco! [eres tonto] [México] [col.]
You are a dumbass! [coll.] [Am.] [vulg.]
¡jíncate un tuno! [vete por ahí] [esp.] [Canarias]
go fuck yourself! [Am.] [vulg.] [sl.]
¡Pégame un tubazo! [¡Llámame!] [sur.] [Argentina] [col.]
Give me a ring!
como un niño {adj}
como un poseso {adv}
like someone possessed
de un tirón {adv} [col.] [locución] [también : del tirón]
in one go [coll.] [idiom] [all at once]
durante un tiempo {adv}
for a while
en un momento {adv}
momentarily [very soon]
en un periquete {adv} [col.]
in a tick [coll.]
en un santiamén {adv} [locución]
in no time at all [idiom]
in a flash [idiom] [very quickly]
en un tris {adv} [col.] [locución]
within a hair's breadth [coll.] [idiom]
Matar un ruiseñor
To Kill a Mockingbird [novel: Harper Lee; film: Robert Mulligan]cinelit.
por un palmo {adv} [locución]
by a cat's whisker [idiom]
by a hair's breadth [idiom]
por un pelo [col.] [locución] [casi, pero no]
close, but no cigar [idiom] [nearly, but not quite]
por un rato {adv}
for a while
Suave un toque. [col.] [cent.] [Costa Rica]
Hold on a sec.
aballestar un cabo
to tighten a linenáut.
abortar un embarazo
to terminate a pregnancymed.
acometer un análisis
to make an analysis
administrar un medicamento
to administer a medicinefarm.med.
adquirir un hábito
to acquire a habit
aprobar un examen
to pass a testedu.
to pass an examedu.
to succeed in a testedu.
to pass an examinationedu.
apuntarse un tanto [también fig.]
to score a point [also fig.]dep.
armar un escándolo [col.]
to cause a real scene [coll.] [idiom]
armar un jaleo
to make a fussloc.
armar un pancho [col.] [mex.]
to get angry
atizar un puntapié a-algn/algo
to kick sb./sth.
coger un resfriado
to catch a coldmed.
cometer un crimen
to commit a crime
cometer un delito
to commit a crime
cometer un error
to make a mistake
consumir un edificio
to gut a building [destroy interior]
dar (un) consejo
to give advice
dar un codazo a-algn/algo
to nudge sb./sth.
dar un giro [fig.] [ocurrir un gran cambio]
to take a turn [fig.] [to change a lot]
dar un paseo
to take a walk [Am.]
dar un paseo [en bicicleta, motocicleta]
to go for a ride
dar un portazo
to slam the door
darse un chapuzón
to take a dip [swim]
darse un porrazo [col.] [locución]
to come a cropper [coll.] [idiom] [fall and get hurt]
darse un traspié
to stumble
desgarrarse un ligamento
to tear a ligamentmed.
desgarrarse un músculo
to tear a musclemed.
dirigir un pais
to run a countrypol.
distenderse un músculo
to strain a musclemed.
domar un animal
to tame an animal
echar un patín [correr] [col.] [Cuba]
to run
echar un pato [defecar] [Argentina] [rpl.] [col.]
to defecate
echar un pato [tener sexo] [sur.] [Chile] [col.]
to have sex
echar un polvo [vulg.]
to fuck [vulg.]
echar un vistazo
to peek
echarse un coyotito [col.] [mex.]
to have a siesta
echarse un meo [col.]
to go for a slash [Br.] [vulg.] [urinate]
echarse un palo [col.] [tomar una cerveza ] [sur.] [Venezuela]
to booze [Am.] [coll.]
efectuar un disparo
to fire a shotarmas
empollar un huevo
to incubate an eggorn.
engualdrapar un caballo
to caparison a horsehipis.
enviar un paquete
to send a parcel
evitar un desastre
to prevent a disaster
extender un talón
to make out a cheque [Br.]fin.
ganar un premio
to win a prize
guiar un coche
to drive a car
hacer un alto [para reflexionar, descansar] [locución]
to take a break [idiom]
hacer un campito [hacer lugar] [mex.] [col.]
to make room
hacer un examen
to take a testedu.
hacer un papelón [col.] [locución]
to make a spectacle of oneself [coll.] [idiom] [shame oneself]
hacerse un ovillo
to curl up (in a ball)
interponer un recurso
to give notice of appealjur.
interpretar un papel
to play a rolecineteatroTV
lanzar un órdago [locución]
to throw down the gauntlet [idiom]
lastimarse un músculo
to pull a musclemed.
llevarse un susto [col.]
to get a fright
marcar un gol
to score a goaldep.
notificar un robo
to report a theft
pitar un penalti
to whistle for a penaltydep.
purgar un radiador
to bleed a radiatortec.
resolver un problema
to solve a problem
salvar un obstáculo
to overcome an obstacle
ser un asco
to be awful
ser un gallina [fig.] [cobarde]
to be a chicken [fig.] [coward]
ser un incordio
to be a bother [coll.] [annoyance]
ser un mimo
to mime [be a mime artist]
ser un pollo {m} [Perú] [Lima] [col.]
to be juiced-up [drunk] [Am.] [coll.]
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