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Engelsk-svensk ordbok

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katt {u}cat
kabaré {u}cabaret
kabel {u}cable
kabelfärja {u}cable ferry
kabelkanal {u}cable duct
kabinväska {u}cabin trunk
kabinväska {u}carry-on case
käckbright [lively]
kackerlacka {u}cockroach
kåda {u}resin
kadmium {n} <Cd>cadmium <Cd>
kadmiumatom {u}cadmium atom
kadmiumisotop {u}cadmium isotope
Kadmos {u}Cadmus
kafé {n}café
kaffe {n}coffee
kaffe {n} med mjölkcoffee with milk
kaffeälskare {u}coffee lover
kaffebryggare {u}coffee maker
kaffefläck {u}coffee stain
kaffekanna {u}coffeepot
kaffekopp {u}coffee cup
kaffekvarn {u}coffee grinder
kaffemugg {u}coffee mug
kaffepanna {u}coffee kettle
kaffepaus {u}coffee break
kaffepulver {n}coffee powder
kafferast {u}coffee break
Kafka på stranden [Haruki Murakami]Kafka on the Shore
kafkaliknande [oböjl.]Kafkaesque
Käft! [vard.] [Håll käften!]Shut up!
kaj {u}quay
kaj {u}wharf
kaja {u} [Coloeus monedula, syn.: Corvus monedula]jackdaw
kajak {u}kayak
Kajmanöarna {pl} [best. f.]Cayman Islands
kajmur {u}quay wall
kajplats {u}berth [for a ship]
kaka {u}cake
kakao {u}cocoa
käkben {n}jawbone
käke {u}jaw
kakel {u}(glazed) tile
kakellim {n}tile adhesive
kakelplatta {u}(glazed) tile
kakelplattor {pl}(glazed) tiles
käkhåla {u} [Sinus maxillaris]maxillary sinus <MS>
kakistokrati {u}kakistocracy
kakrecept {n}cake recipe
kåkstad {u}shanty town
kaktus {u}cactus
kaktusparakit {u} [Eupsittula cactorum, syn.: Aratinga cactorum]Caatinga parakeet
kaktusparakit {u} [Eupsittula cactorum, syn.: Aratinga cactorum]cactus conure
kaktusparakit {u} [Eupsittula cactorum, syn.: Aratinga cactorum]cactus parakeet
kaktusvråk {u} [Parabuteo unicinctus]Harris's hawk
kalbald [head, tree, also literary]
kål {u}cabbage
kalabalik {u}affray
kalabalik {u}commotion
kalabalik {u}tumult
kalabalik {u}uproar
kalas {n}party
kålblad {n}cabbage leaf
kalcium {n} <Ca>calcium <Ca>
kalciumatom {u}calcium atom
kalciumisotop {u}calcium isotope
kalender {u}calendar
kalenderår {n}calendar year
kalhuggning {u}deforestation
att kalibrerato calibrate
kalibrering {u}calibration
kalif {u}caliph
Kalifornien {n}California
kalium {n} <K>potassium <K>
kaliumatom {u}potassium atom
kaliumhydroxid {u} [KOH] [E-525]potassium hydroxide
kaliumisotop {u}potassium isotope
kalk {u}lime
Kalkalperna {pl} [best. f.]Limestone Alps
kälke {u}sledge [esp. Br.]
kalkkammossa {u} [Ctenidium molluscum]chalk comb-moss
kalkon {u}turkey
kalkongam {u} [Cathartes aura]turkey buzzard [Am.]
kalkongam {u} [Cathartes aura]turkey vulture
kalkrik mark {u}calcareous soil
kalksten {u}limestone
kalkyl {u}calculation
kalkyl {u}calculus
kalkylark {n}spreadsheet
kalkylblad {n}spreadsheet
kalkylering {u}calculation
att kallato call
källa {u}source
källar {u}basement
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